No. Projects Outline Year
1 Survey, Feasibility study and detailed design for sand protection bank of Access channel to Cua Lo port Project 500 m of sand protection bank

Buoy Navigation Aid system on the channel

2 Data collection, Topo-Bathymetric survey, Hydrographic survey, soil investigation, Mathematical – Physical Modeling and Detailed Design of Do Lau – Huu Chung on Luoc Waterway River Project Revetment and Embankment System

Dredging of channel

Buoy Navigation Aid system

3 Survey, Feasibility Study and detailed design of Thuan An Siltation Improvement Project Revetment and Embankment System

Buoy Navigation Aid system

Dredging channel

Protection of sedimentation

4 Survey, mathematical modeling and Feasibility Study of Groynes system and dredging channel of Inland Waterway system on Dong Nai river Groynes system

Dredging channel

5 Survey, Feasibility Study and association with JPC (Japan) of Red River Inland Waterway Project Dredging channel

Revetment system

Groynes system

6 Survey, Master plan of Inland Waterway System Transportation Project for Hai Phong Area Waterway system

Revetment and groynes system

Dredging channel

7 Survey, Feasibility Study on Inland Waterway System Transportation on Day River Inland Waterway System

Revetment and Groynes system

Dredging channel

8 Survey, Economic analysis of Hydraulic system at Tac Giang – Phu Ly on Chau Giang River Waterway system

Revetment and groynes system

Dredging channel

9 Survey, Environmental Assessment Impact and Association with Korea Consortium for Feasibity Study on Red River Project Inland Waterway System

River Structure (Bridges, Dykes, Curvert, Drainage boxes, Groynes etc)

Road system

Architecte Structures (Shopping mail, plant etc)