No.  Project Name Project Owner or Employer Execution date Consulting services  value (USD) Supplied consulting services
Commenced date Completed date
1 Hau River Access channel Project Vinawaco 23/11/2009 23/12/2009 100,000 Detailed Design for dredging work
2 Cua Lo port access channel Project Marine 3 PMU (Vinamarine) 02/01/2010 02/03/2010 80,000 Topographic and Bathymetric survey

Soil investigation and laboratory testing

Investment Study and Basic design

3 Chan May port Breakwater Project Thua Thien Hue PC 08/09/2010 08/12/2010 100,000 Topographic and bathymetric survey

Soil investigation and laboratory testing

Wave modeling study

Investment Study report and basic design

4 Breakwater and access channel at Dong Hoi Port Dong Nam Economic Zone Authority 01/02/2012 Under process 138,000 Topographic survey

FS and Basic design

EIA report